Boston Drunk Driving Car Accidents High Priority for Law Officials during Super Bowl Sunday

Boston’s getting ready for Super Bowl Sunday and to cheer on the New England Patriots all the way to the big win. What the city is also getting ready for is the increase in risks for drunk driving accidents in Boston. According to the Examiner, law enforcement agencies across the country are planning to up their enforcement efforts to keep intoxicated drivers off of our roadways during the big game. In recent years, Super Bowl weekend had been ranked as one of the biggest days out of the entire year for alcohol-related traffic accidents.
This year’s Super Bowl may be in Indianapolis, but residents throughout the country and especially in New England and New York are asked to be careful on our roadways. Kickoff is planned to start at 6:30 p.m. EST. This isn’t the Patriot’s first time to the Super Bowl. Back in 2004, the Patriots played the Carolina Panthers. During the 2004 Super Bowl Sunday, there were nearly 100 traffic accident fatalities. During that year, the Super Bowl was ranked as the second most dangerous time on our roadways for drunk driving accidents, behind New Year’s Day. In 2004, nearly 65 percent of those Super Bowl Sunday traffic fatalities were alcohol-related.

Our Boston drunk driving car accident attorneys understand that the about there were more than 10,225 people killed in drunk driving accidents in 2010. Holidays are typically a time when we see a spike in alcohol-related traffic accidents. Super Bowl Sunday has been deemed as an unofficial American holiday, and residents are asked to plan out their celebration activities before it’s too late. Make sure that everyone has a safe and sober ride home. We want to celebrate a win and celebrate safe roadways. Do your part to make our roadways safer during Super Bowl XLVI safer than ever! According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) about 175,000 people have already made the pledge to be a designated driver this Sunday.

Are you inviting your friends and family members over for a Super Bowl celebration to cheer on the New England Patriots? We’re asking all party hosts to take a moment to review a few safety tips that could help to save lives.

Avoid Drunk Driving at your Super Bowl Party:

-Find a way to reward drivers who pledge to stay sober. Offer them with a prime spot to watch the game and make sure their non-alcoholic beverage is always full.

-Make sure to offer plenty of food at your party.

-Serve your guests only one drink at a time. Make sure your drinks aren’t too strong.

-Have plenty of non-alcoholic beverages available.

-Be sure that everyone is old enough to consume alcohol at your party.

-Ask those who are drinking to hand over their car keys.

-Set a cut off time for when you’ll stop serving alcohol. It’s recommended that this time be at least one hour before the end of the party.

-Make sure to have phone numbers of local cab companies readily available.

-Make room for guests. Assume that friends or family members will stay the night.

We’re hoping for a win and we’re hoping you’ll cheer on New England responsibly.

Jeffrey Glassman Injury Lawyers, LLC works diligently to fight for the deserved compensation for victims of drunk driving car accidents in Boston and elsewhere throughout the state of Massachusetts. If you or someone you love has been injured in one of these accidents, call (617) 777-7777 for a free and confidential appointment to discuss your case.

More Blog Entries:

A New Year with New Risks of Drunk Driving Car Accidents in Massachusetts, Boston Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer Blog, January 16, 2012

Party Responsibly in 2012 to Reduce Risks of Drunk Driving Car Accidents in Massachusetts, Boston Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer Blog, January 18, 2012

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