
Party Responsibly in 2012 to Reduce Risks of Drunk Driving Car Accidents in Massachusetts

After speeding passed a police cruiser, a Massachusetts driver was stopped and arrested for drunk driving. It wasn’t the speed alone that steered cops to the out-of-control driver — it was the fact that he was speeding passed the police cruiser with just three tires on his vehicle, according to FOX6. The man was pulled over in New Hampshire as he passed officers working another traffic stop. Officers said they heard the noise, saw the car and then pulled over the 22-year-old driver. Officers don’t know how long the young driver had been riding on the rim, but they do believe that the man was under the influence of either drugs or alcohol.

The busy holiday season may be over and risks for drunk driving car accidents in Massachusetts have decreased, but the truth of the matter is that our roadways are still plagued with these irresponsible drivers. In 2009, there were nearly 350 traffic fatalities in the state of Massachusetts resulting from alcohol-related car accidents. Of those accident fatalities, roughly 130 were the result of alcohol-related accidents while more than 100 were the result of drunk driving accidents.

Our Boston drunk driving car accident lawyers understand that these types of car accidents are a real threat on our roadways throughout the year. We made it through the holiday season and through the National Safety Council‘s (NSC) 600 predicted traffic fatalities for that time period, but it’s a whole new year with new risks. This is the second entry of a 6-part blog in which we are discussing simple New Year’s resolutions that you and your family can take to help make our roadways safer in 2012. In the first entry we discussed the risks and dangers associated with distracted drivers. This blog will provide you with simple steps to avoid driving drunk and to ultimately avoid a potentially fatal accident.

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts is here to offer you safety tips to stay safe and sober behind the wheel. By following these few tips and sharing them with friends and family, we can all do our part to reduce the risks of fatal accidents. Safer roadways start with you. Step up and make the resolution to remain safe and sober behind the wheel in 2012.

Drunk Driving Safety Tips:

-Never drive if you’ve had anything to drink. You’re compromising your ability to drive safely with any amount of alcohol in your blood, even when your blood alcohol content is well below the state’s legal limit of 0.08.

-Never let friends drive drunk. If you see someone who has been drinking and is about to get behind the wheel, take their car keys and help them to make safe arrangements home.

-Party with a plan. If you know you’ll be consuming alcohol, designate a sober driver before the party starts. If you’re not using a driver, make sure you use public transportation, walk or stay at a safe place for the night.

-Remember that the average drunk driving charge costs roughly $8,000. Subsequent convictions bring higher costs and imprisonment.

-Alcohol and medications don’t mix!

-If you think you see a drunk driver on our roadways, steer clear. Call 9-1-1 to report the driver.

-Don’t think that bicycling drunk is any safer. Alcohol impairs your ability to ride a bike, too.

-If you’re throwing a party, make sure guests are sober before leaving. Offer non-alcohol beverages for designated drivers.

Jeffrey Glassman Injury Lawyers, LLC works diligently to fight for the deserved compensation for those who those who have been the victim of drunk driving accidents in Massachusetts. If you or a family member has been involved in a car accident in Boston or elsewhere throughout Massachusetts, call (617) 777-7777 for a free and confidential appointment to discuss your case.

More Blog Entries:

Boston Tops List for Drunkest Cities in U.S.; Drunk Driving Car Accidents in Massachusetts Likely in 2012, Boston Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer Blog, January 1, 2012

Republicans Request Stiffer Penalties to Reduce Risks of Drunk Driving Accidents in Massachusetts, Boston Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer Blog, December 7, 2011

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