
MADD Notes Recent Drops in Drunk Driving Car Accidents in Massachusetts, Nation

Our Boston Drunk Driving Accident Lawyers have recently been discussing the accomplishments that we’ve made recently in combating drunk drivers and the accidents that they cause on our roadways. The truth of the matter is that there are still far too many that are dying in these completely preventable accidents.

Recently, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) released brand new statistics. Included in these statistics was the number of drunk driving fatalities experienced in 2010. This is the most recent statistics available. Detailed information shows that these accidents decreased by nearly 5 percent from 2008 to 2009, from just under 10,800 to about 10,300. Still, these accidents kill too many people!

Our Boston car accident attorneys understand that even more needs to be done to help cut this number down. In 2009, here were almost 150 people were killed in Massachusetts in alcohol-related traffic crashes. Nationwide, someone was killed in one of these accidents every 48 minutes. What’s even worse is that there were more than 180 children who were under the age of 15 who were killed in alcohol-related traffic accidents. These are lives that we didn’t have to lose.

While Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) recently recognized the decrease in the number of fatalities, and yes it’s commendable, we still have a long way to go until we reach our ultimate goal of zero deaths a year,

“More than 3,200 fewer people were killed last year than in the previous four years,” said Jan Withers, National President of MASS. “That’s 3,200 families who did not receive that terrible, life-changing call or visit from law enforcement letting them know their loved one wasn’t coming home again.”

The decrease in the number of fatalities means that the number of these deaths has been cut down by more than half since MADD started its efforts more than 30 years ago.

MADD says that is efforts to help curb these accidents has supported the landmark legislation, like the one that made 0.08 blood alcohol concentration the nation standard in addition to making 21-years-old the minimum age to be legally able to consume alcohol in the country.

MADD says that it will be continuing its efforts into the New Year and for years to come. According to Withers, even one life that is lost from this type of accident is way too many.

We would like to use this time to remind drivers that the risks for alcohol-related traffic accidents are roughly 4 times higher during the weekend than on a weekday.

Still, it’s important that the number of fatal car accidents in Massachusetts and the surrounding areas increased by nearly 20 percent from 2009 to 2010, according to the recently released Traffic Safety Facts. While we ask drunk drivers to please stay off of our roadways, we’re also asking all over drivers to practice safe and cautious driving habits well into the New Year. With everyone’s cooperation, we can help to significantly drop the number of accident fatalities across the board.

The Massachusetts Drunk Driving Attorneys at Jeffrey Glassman Injury Lawyers represent those who are suffering because of a drunk driving accident in Boston or elsewhere throughout the state. Call for a free and confidential consultation to discuss your rights. (617) 777-7777.

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