
Boston Drunk Drivers Not Threatened by Officers

Some say that there’s nothing to do in Boston except get drunk. At least that’s what the headline reads from Gawker. It was also listed as two of Time Magazine’s Top 10 Things to Do in Boston involve looking at bodies of water.

But is that why officers are so lenient on intoxicated drivers?

Our Boston drunk driving car accident lawyers understand that Boston officers only made 211 drunk driving arrests in 2013. That a number down by about a third since 2009. Some would argue that Bostonians are drinking less. Some say it’s the availability of trains and sidewalks that is keeping intoxicated individuals from behind the wheel.

Many would argue that those excuses are just that — EXCUSES. As we’ve continuously been ranked as the “Drunkest City in the Nation,” experts are also pointing out that other ranked “walkable” cities in the nation have more drunk-driving arrests than we do each year.

Washington D.C. has about the same number of residents as we do here in Boston. Still, officers arrest close to 2,000 people for drunk driving there in 2012. Or you can consider Denver, which has a much smaller population than Boston. And there were still about 3,000 drunk driving arrests there last year.

Where’s our enforcement? Some would argue that Boston officers are busy focusing on more “important” crime.

Either way you look at it, drunk driving is a serious offense and it’s taking thousands of lives each and every year. As a matter of fact, officials with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) report that there were close to 10,000 people killed in drunk driving car accidents in the country in 2011. These fatalities accounted for more than 30 percent of all traffic accident fatalities recorded throughout the year. And these are accidents that are completely preventable.

There were 114 people killed in these drunk driving accidents in Massachusetts that same year. These fatalities accounted for more than a third of our traffic deaths for the year.

According to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, drivers should never get behind the wheel after consuming alcohol. As residents, friends and family members, we should never let our loved ones do it either. This is an important message that we’ve got to get out to everyone. You should also do your part by calling officials if you believe you’ve spotted any intoxicated drivers out there on our roadways. Your call can help to save lives.

If you or a loved one was involved in a drunk driving accident in Massachusetts, call Jeffrey Glassman Injury Lawyers for a free and confidential appointment — (617) 777-7777.

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SAMHSA Report Says Parents May Help Prevent Teens’ Substance Abuse, Boston Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer Blog, June 5, 2013

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